How To Encourage Repeat Customers

Did you know that it costs you more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one? As an eCommerce retailer, you want to increase your conversion sales. But, you shouldn’t focus all your attention on new customers.

In fact, research has shown that repeat customers provide more than 40% of revenue.

So, you want to keep them around. But how do you do it?

Here are five tricks to keeping your customers coming back for more.

Get Personal

A great way to get repeat customers is to personalize their experience. They have already shared their personal information with you, so why not use it to your advantage? That doesn’t mean that you should be intrusive, that’s not good for business. If they have shared with you information like their favourite product, or what they like, use it to remind them. Recalling details your customers have already shared with you helps you to build a genuine connection with them.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

This should be a no brainer. But, you will be surprised how many businesses overlook customer service. They have already bought from you; they stay for the experience. Showing customers that you are dedicated to them beyond their purchase will keep them loyal to you. Consumers come back for the experience. Be as helpful as you can because guess what? Research shows that almost half of customers switch to a competitor if they have a terrible customer experience, even if it’s just once. 

Don’t treat your new customers better than repeat ones. You should go above and beyond for both and provide customer service they won’t be able to get elsewhere. Shoppers love excellent customer service. If they have a bad experience, they won’t be shy about telling their family and friends and voicing it on the internet.

Act On Feedback

Another way to boost repeat purchases is to act on feedback. Their feedback will help you improve your business in many ways. Sometimes, genius ideas come from the customers themselves. Listen, listen and listen. Show them that you care about their experience. Actually, you should encourage feedback. This way, you can get deep insights into how your customers feel about your product or service. If there is something they don’t like, change it. One effective way to do this is to ask your customers to take a customer satisfaction survey.

Do Good And Reward Your Customers

Everybody loves a freebie. If customers are spending their hard-earned money with you, why not give a little something back. Offer things like free samples, rewards, points that can be redeemed, and so on. This is an opportunity for you to get creative. There is a growing popularity for brands to take a stand on issues customers care about. You can use this to your advantage and do good in the world. This is actually a crucial step because such issues affect your customer’s behaviour. And the research backs this up. Two-thirds of consumers worldwide now buy based on beliefs

The “cancel culture” is real, and people aren’t afraid to make their voices heard. People will gladly boycott a brand based on a social or political issue. For example, you can donate to causes that align with your brand’s values. Your customers will highly appreciate it.

Offer Consuming Finance (Buy Now Pay Later)

Buy Now Pay Later is an alternative to using credit cards and consumers love it. They can buy the goods they want without having to break the bank. Consumers are much more likely to buy from you if you provide a Buy Now Pay Later option from companies like ChargeAfter. It removes their hesitation to buy, increases conversions, and helps you to attract new customers and keep existing ones. Buy Now Pay Later is transforming online shopping and you need to jump on the bandwagon if you haven’t already done so.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, it isn’t the discounts and flashy marketing sure, they are important. But when it comes down to it, your customers will keep coming back for more because of the experience you provide. So, if you want your customers to keep coming back, listen, reward, offer Buy Now Pay Later and most importantly be human.